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Who Can Run for a Condo Board in Florida?

In Florida, condo boards are led by a board of directors who is elected by the unit owners. The board of directors is responsible for the governance of the association and for ensuring that the association’s property is well-maintained. 

Responsibilities of the board of directors include making decisions about the operation of the condo association such as developing the budget, hiring staff, and setting rules and regulations.

In some cases, the board of directors may hire a professional property management company to assist with the day-to-day operations of the association.

Who is Eligible to Run for a Condo Board in Florida?

Any person who owns a condominium unit in a Florida HOA is eligible to run for a seat on the condo board, although there are a few rules to keep in mind.

First, you’ll need to be a resident of the condo complex in order to be eligible to run. Second, you’ll need to be in good standing with the association, meaning you can’t have any outstanding dues or violations. Finally, you’ll need to be prepared to campaign and solicit votes from your fellow condo owners. You must also be in good standing with the association and have no outstanding violations.

Lastly, you’ll also need to be a registered voter and resident of the state. 

What is the Process for Running for a Condo Board in Florida?

There is no set process for running for a condo board in Florida (each community is different), but typically candidates will circulate a petition among the unit owners in order to get their name on the ballot. Candidates might also campaign door-to-door and hold informational meetings to get their name and platform out to the community before running in a general election.

As always, our team at Dania Fernandez and Associates, P.A. is here to help you navigate the waters of condo boards in Florida. Give us a call anytime with your questions or concerns.

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