The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

Ways to Enhance Communication in Florida Condo Associations
Of the many hot topics in Florida HOAs, one theme tends to run through them all: communication. When condo boards communicate effectively with their community, there is greater trust in leadership, fewer calls for transparency and...

Who are the “Fantastic Five” and Why Does Your HOA Need Them?
Leading an organization that’s the size and complexity of an association in Florida takes a team. Multimillion-dollar non-profits in Florida must abide by numerous legal requirements in addition to HOA-specific rules and regulations. No one person can be an expert in...

Making the Case for Greater HOA Board Member Education
Here in Florida, HOA boards of directors are leading multimillion-dollar non-profit organizations, and many (ok, most) volunteer board members have very little experience in this type of position. This inexperience and overall lack of education related to the...

Understanding the Role of Management and Attorneys in HOAs
Managing condo association finances is one of the biggest responsibilities board members face. Ensuring that they’re using the community’s resources most effectively is paramount to sound budget planning. When evaluating the best use of resources, one area of...

Tips for Overcoming Mistrust and Distrust in Your HOA
Of the many challenges facing Florida condo associations, one issue that runs deep for many is a palpable mistrust or distrust of the board. There is often skepticism about board decisions in part because of poor communication or transparency issues, and this...

Doubling Down on Your Board’s Commitment to Transparency
Condo association board members in Florida have major responsibilities. They are leading multi-million dollar non-profit organizations and are doing so in a voluntary capacity. If you sit on your HOA’s board, you likely feel the pressure of this role. In addition to...

When is it Time to Review Your HOA’s Insurance Policy?
As you know, rising insurance premiums are impacting all property owners in Florida, including condo associations. Increase after increase… after increase… can make it extremely challenging for HOAs to balance their budgets. Regularly reviewing your...

Tips for Encouraging HOA Community Engagement
Board members do a lot of the heavy lifting in their condo associations. The role can be stressful, and the burden of all the responsibility can feel overwhelming. One way to share some of this load is to rally the community for support. When HOA members are...

How to Plan for Aging Infrastructure in Your HOA
As Florida HOAs age, so does their infrastructure. To that end, HOAs need to have a plan for how they will address both ongoing maintenance needs as well as larger infrastructure improvements. This is not only because budget planning for aging infrastructure is a best...