What’s new in the world of Florida association statutes and amendments? We know it’s tough to keep up with all the legislation so we’ve put together the latest updates that you should know about.
This law was enacted in 2019, so we hope you’re on board. The requirement is now for associations with 150 units or more to have a website where digital copies of official records must be posted.
This new law is in regards to pruning, pruning or removal of trees on residential property. The new law states that property owners don’t have to obtain a permit to remove or replant trees on their property. This will avoid fines, fees and other headaches associated with tree problems. The only catch is that you must obtain documentation from either a Florida licensed landscape architect or an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. In this documentation, it must be stated that the tree present a danger to persons or property.
Sprinklers and Emergency Life Systems
This law applies to high rise condos 75 feet or higher. Previously, sprinkler or emergency life systems were going to be required by January 1st, 2020. Now, this date has been pushed back to January 1st, 2024. Condo associations have about four more years to meet retrofitting requirements.
Vacation Rentals
There has been a long back and forth between lawmakers, associations and owners regarding local government regulation of vacation rental homes. Numerous bills have been proposed and are still on the table regarding how a property can use their home or condo as a vacation rental. As of now, no official laws or amendments have been adapted. We’ll keep you posted as developments continue.
And if you need a recap on laws that became effective on 2018, here’s a quick summary.
Email Communication by Directors
Board members can communicate via email but are prohibited from casting votes via email.
Fines and Suspensions
If the committee approves it fine, it is now required to be paid within five days of the committee meeting.
The underline and strike through format or “substantial amendment” notation is new requirement for presenting amendments. Additionally, in order to be legally effective, amendments need to be recorded in the public records.
In the case of director election in which there are less candidates than available seats on the board, then those candidates are automatically placed on the board.
Any questions on these new amendments? We’re here to answer all of your inquiries.