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13500 North Kendall Drive, Ste 265 • Miami FL 33186

real estate law



Florida Real Estate Law

Helping Residential & Commercial Clients with Real Estate Transactions

We help guide clients with real estate transactional and litigation matters, such as:

Commercial & residential closings

Handling single, large, and multi-parcel real estate transactions, property sales and acquisitions

Approved Agents & Title Work

Approved agents for Attorneys Title Insurance Fund and providers of title insurance through Old Republic National Title

Financial Institution Representation

We represent regional and national financial institutions handling commercial and residential closings

years of experience


clients served

Florida Real Estate Law

Helping residential & commercial clients in Miami legally manage real estate matters.

Purchase and Sales • Adverse Possession
Breach of Contract
Building Regulations
Commercial Real Estate Law
Commercial Landlord & Tenant Agreements
Commercial Real Estate Closings
Condominium Law

Foreclosure Defense
Homeowner’s Association
Landlord Rights
Leases & Leasing Law
Lien Law
New Construction
1031 Exchanges
Residential Real Estate Closings
Title and Property Rights Law

Dania Fernandez Attorney at Law Miami

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