There are rules… and then there is enforcement. While making the rules is one thing, it can be a whole other challenge to effectively enforce them. Yet enforcing HOA governing documents, including its CC&Rs, bylaws, and other rules and regulations, is crucial for...
Living in an HOA means living in your own tiny governed community. It’s a community within a community within a county and a state (and so on) – you can think of it almost like a stack of nesting dolls. And while each association has its own unique set of...
Making changes to your Florida HOA’s governing documents is a process, and it’s imperative that you abide by all rules and regulations when doing so. Association documents like declarations and bylaws are legal documents. You can’t just change them willy nilly. If the...
At the risk of repeating ourselves about putting everything in your CC&Rs – make sure you cover accessibility requirements in there too. Making sure that you cover all the important issues in your association’s CC&Rs is the best way to protect yourself, your...
History is connected to the present in many ways – some social, some cultural, some legal. And the fact is that many homeowner associations built their initial covenants, conditions, and restrictions (better known as CC&Rs) not from scratch but from a series of...