Communication is always important, but during a pandemic communication is crucial. And because of this you need to have a way to contact everybody in case of emergency or just to keep them updated on current regulations in your community. So what’s the best way to keep everyone informed? We have two suggestions: the first is email, the second is a community association website.
We hear often about the difficulties in obtaining everyone in the community’s updated email address. While this may be a challenge, it is vital for your community to have a quick and effective way to communicate. And so, the great community email gathering must begin.
Start by posting on your community board (hint, if you don’t have a community board in a common area, you need to make one ASAP). Tell everyone that you need their email and why, then leave a sign-up sheet where people can write their emails (make sure to have hand sanitizer available as well).
Next, you can send out notices and put them in everybody’s mailbox. In this way you can be assured that every person in your community has had the opportunity to send you their email address.
Sometimes it might take a more grassroots approach for those people who are consistently difficult to get a hold of. You can ask other community members who are close to that person to get in contact with them. You can try calling to ask for an email address if you have their number. You may even have to knock on their door (wearing a mask, of course) and explain why it is so important that you need their email address. Any other creative method that you must employ is fair game when you are trying to protect your community.
Assuming that you have everyone’s email, now you can send out updates and community regulations. In case of emergency you can now rest assured that you have a streamlined communication avenue.
The next recommended method for communication is a community website. A website is by far the easiest method of communication, however it’s not guaranteed that all community members will check the website every day or as frequently as they need to. Nonetheless, you can still encourage all community members too consistently view your community website.
On your website you can provide the most recent news on the pandemic as well as current regulations regarding shelter in place and amenity closure. The website is the most direct and updated form of communication but not all people use the internet with the same frequency or awareness. Therefore, it’s important to use both email and website to make certain that all communications are received.
Communicate, communicate, communicate. We can’t stress enough how important it is during this time. And, hey, maybe the silver lining of the pandemic is that you can finally get everyone’s email addresses in your community 🙂
Wishing you safety, health and clear communication in your community.