Responsible, invested, reasonable, and interested in improvement are just a few qualities of someone seeking to be a part of an HOA board. These are also qualities that current members are looking for.
While it can be a process to get elected, there are things that you can do to help.
Here are a few points that might increase your chance of getting elected and help the board see you as an asset.
Show your commitment to meetings. By regularly attending meetings, you will become informed on the current discussion topics and help with your visibility.
Get involved by asking questions. Take advantage of the meetings and make timely and appropriate comments and/or suggestions ever so often. Remember to be polite and avoid pushy behavior.
Read the Davis – Stirling Act (it be found on HOAQandA.com). This will help inform you and give you the tools needed as a board of director hopeful.
Pay attention to your own association’s governing documents, bylaws, and rules.
Read your association’s contract with the property management company. This will help you understand existing contracts and the rights and duties of both parties.
Talk with your neighbors whenever you have the opportunity. Be kind, open, and show care. It wouldn’t hurt to let them know that you are running for board election as well.
Pay your assessments on time and obey the rules of the association. You are setting an example.
Make the board members aware that you are running.
While these are general guidelines, they can help you achieve success on your journey of getting elected. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, and good luck!