Have you ever wondered what HOA presidents do? While it might seem like an out-of-the-blue question, those within an HOA community might find themselves asking this question more times than they realize. Whether you’re interested in running for HOA president or...
Responsible, invested, reasonable, and interested in improvement are just a few qualities of someone seeking to be a part of an HOA board. These are also qualities that current members are looking for. While it can be a process to get elected, there are things that...
In the previous two blogs in this series, we covered the escalating procedure of dispute resolution. Beginning with mediation we then tackled arbitration and in this final blog we will look at the process of litigation. The most common types of litigation can be...
Dispute happens. Whether it’s a consistent violation of rules and regulations or something more serious like delinquency or bad debt, both the owners and the association need to be protected. And, for the sake of the whole community, disputes need to be resolved in a...
In our previous blog post, we tackled some of the common procedures for elections in a condo association. Some of these regulatory provisions will still apply to elections in an HOA, while most do not. Interestingly, the election process is very different for condo...