Holding regular condo association meetings is an essential requirement of all Florida condo associations, and they provide a critical forum for board members to make decisions about managing and maintaining their community. It’s here where the magic happens.
Read on to learn more about the purpose of these meetings and what your responsibilities as a board member are in facilitating them.
The Purpose of HOA Meetings
Condo association meetings provide an opportunity for board members to make decisions on behalf of the community and to keep residents informed about important news and issues affecting the association. Remaining transparent at board meetings and openly communicating the association’s state of affairs is also a critical way to reduce conflict in your HOA.
Meeting frequency should be spelled out in your bylaws. Typically, HOA boards hold meetings on a quarterly or monthly basis. All members of the association are welcome to attend, and meetings must be properly noticed to give members adequate opportunity to attend and participate if they choose.
Board Member Responsibilities at Meetings
Board members must set the agenda for all meetings, provide notice to the community, and ensure all necessary information and documents are available to members in advance.
It’s not uncommon for questions to arise during board meetings. Elected members of the board should be prepared to answer questions and provide explanations for any decisions or policies that are discussed. All decisions made at association meetings must be made in accordance with the community’s governing documents and the Florida Condominium Act.
Depending on the time of year, common agenda items discussed at board meetings include:
- A budget update
- New board member elections
- New proposals requiring residents’ approval
- Various committee or vendor presentations
- A discussion of milestones or successes
Effectively facilitating board meetings means taking steps to ensure that all association meetings are conducted efficiently and effectively. This might include setting time limits for presentations and discussions, using technology to streamline the process, and encouraging members to be respectful of one another’s time.
Serving as a condo association board member is an opportunity to impact your community and plan for its future, but it can feel overwhelming if you’re not well-versed on legal governance issues and responsibilities. That’s where we come in.
At Dania S. Fernandez & Associates, P.A., we have more than 20 years of experience serving condo associations throughout Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Call us today at 305-254-4492 to schedule a free consultation.
I was elected secretary on 8/9/2023 of Lago Del Rey Condominium. No budget or financial reports has been given to the new board. I requested a board members meeting and was told by a new board member that according to SunBiz the board can not meeting without the residence.
Would you please clarify.
Thank you.
My Florida Condo HOA are eliminating discussions at their Board meetings. They will be holding discussions on a different day and time. Do they need to have meeting minutes available for the residents at these discussions or just the Board meetings.
Our condo has since inception for 18 years had open board meetings after hours at 6 pm so many owners can attend. Our new President is scheduling board meetings in the middle of the day so many owners will not attend and the board can vote on items without owner intervention.
Hello. Our community recalled 4 board members president, treasurer and assistant treasurer and a board member. The president refused to give access to the email she used with the condominiums name on it to conduct business. What can we do so she can let
The new officers access the email and continue business as usual?
Thank you for any help we can get in this matter.
Board members who have been in office for more than eight years. Did I read somewhere? They longer can run if someone else is looking to run.
I live in a small community of condominium units. There is nepotism. Those not in favor of the board are denied service—services such as lawn care. Meetings are not being held regularly. Business is being conducted. I have asked for copies of their emails and have been refused. What can I do?
We have a monthly meeting and the flooring committee is proposing a rule change….what do we do if someone objects to this change
More and more we hear about HOA boards being self serving. More often than not, the influence of the management company plays a big part on how boards, change rules as they want. Take time to read.. Florida statue 718 and learn your ownership rights and if you are a board member, learn about your rights and duties. . Is very long, so don’t try to read it and understand it all in one day. Is available for download and save to your personal files.
Our elected Condo board secretary is present. Is it legal for the Chair to have his secretary take notes and Association to pay for her time in Florida? The Chair also owns property management/maintenance/landscaping and about 14 other contracted companies. Is this legal? He has been Chair for almost 30 years. We are powerless to remove him due to nepotism. Help our Asso. The attorney sides with the Chair every time without fail and blurs the line between whether she is Asso’s Attorney or the Chair’s personal attorney. Is this legal?